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Welcome message from Elina

Hello beautiful artists out there!

My name is Elina Laivera and I am an artist with a mission, just like You -I suppose.

Whatever our individual missions might be and whatever path each one of us is walking, we face challenges and difficulties along our way as artists. The “Golden Age“ of the music industry seems to have been past, setting new standards and business models that result into disatisfied artists.

Today’s creatives are either not 100% happy with what a label is offering to them and try to act personally on fields their label “lacks the means“ to act on, lets say -or others feel experimental enough to try their very own ways of establishing their fanbase, artistic network etc right from the start, without approaching a label at all.

So here You are, losing yourself for hours in a sea of social media and plattforms that ask you to pay the hair of your head to get your music some airplay at some radio you’ve never heard of, DIYing in an attempt to take your craft further and make it count by today’s standards.

We’ve all heard of that one artist who made it on his/her own just by managing the means given freely in the smart way. So we dive into it.

Personally, I am not so much against labels as I recognize that most of them are not in the position to offer as much anymore BUT I must be fair and say that I have also been benefited from them.

Therefore, the issue here is, that if you by choice, want to DIY, then you have to do it RIGHT.

You see, this new situation, automatically requires extra skills from us. Suddenly we are not only artists, whose job is to produce art for the world. Suddenly we have to be “super-heroes“ it seems, right? But how about: suddenly we become entrepreneurs of ourselves. We become the boss of our own business.

As a creative individual, sometimes working with a label and sometimes not, I am all about finding new, effective ways to share my inspiration with the world and help others do the same. In these times, it is important to share whatever knowledge we have gained for ourselves and encourage fellow artists to find and fullfill their own mission. So, what is your mission?

On my blog articles and videos on SPREAD YOUR TALENT, we will get to talk about many things and share different perspectives; we will visit issues with different approach each time; the business approach, the practical approach, the mental approach, the emotional, the self-empowering and the motivational approach. We will be interviewing a large variety of artists on video podcasts, as well as answering Your Q&As.


A new Age of Opportunity opens up. Stay tuned to unlock the entrepreneur within!

More about Elina

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